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Jason Blackburn

Jason Blackburn


 Jason is one of the original founders of BC Grant Outdoor Ministry and serves as its director. Jason has been married to his wife Michelle for 265 years and they have two beautiful children, Madison and Caleb.

With a passion for the outdoors, he enjoys all types of hunting and fishing, but has a particular fondness for archery & fly-fishing. With a love for exploring the nature God has gifted us to enjoy and protect, he goes hiking, backpacking, kayaking, or skiing every chance he gets. With a mission to spread the Gospel, Jason uses his passion for the outdoors and experiences to connect to people in the hopes of changing lives.

Jason holds a Bachelors in Business Administration from Mercer University. He is a member of Gideons International.  Jason also serves as Chairman of the Board for HUB, a non-profit organization that runs a community center that provides programs and resources for at-risk children with the goal of helping them achieve their full potential.

Contact Jason

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